In the UK, autumn has pretty much arrived. Although there is still some promise for warmer weather, the leaves have started to fall off the trees and dare we say it… Christmas cards have started appearing in the shops! Argh, too soon! However, whilst we come to terms with the summer being over we can still get excited about the autumn colours, cosy nights and party season which lies ahead! Autumn is a great time to take some time for yourself and really concentrate on your wellness before winter kicks in and before we know it, we’re busy once again and battling colds and sniffles too! The beginning of the season is the best time to set some self-care intentions and we’ve put together 5 simple tips to ensure you stay happy and healthy throughout the colder months. 1. Boost your immune system Having a strong immune system as we move into the colder days is an important step in staying healthy and avoiding infections – that dreaded common cold can be picked up just about anywhere! For a tip-top immune system, your body relies on nutrition to fuel its important function. Having a healthy diet, enough sleep, good digestive health as well as stress management, cutting down on your alcohol and sugar intake all playing a part in keeping you healthy. Focus on eating quality whole foods which are packed with vitamins such as A, C,D and E such as from whole grains, nuts and seeds. Eating too many processed foods can suppress the immune system and you won’t be getting the extra boost of energy needed to get out of bed in the morning! If you struggle to get the nutrients you need through your diet or lifestyle, supplements are a great way to ensure optimal immune functions. The Wild Nutrition Food Grown Immune Support combines a powerful blend of nutrients and Food-Grown vitamins and minerals to support and promote natural defence against infection. 2. Look after your body By this we mean all of your body, not just your physical self. Get in the habit of doing things which keep you feeling refreshed, such as a getting a good night's sleep, staying active or doing your favourite activity such as reading a book. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. This doesn’t mean give up the exercise though! As tempting as curling up on the sofa binge-watching a TV series may be, make the most of the beautiful changing seasons and head outside for a long walk or some yoga in the park under the falling leaves! Also, spending time outside increases your vitamin D levels, making you feel happier and improving your concentration. 3. Buy in-season veggies The abundance of in-season autumn veggies such as beetroot, broccoli, broad beans, carrots, cabbage and courgettes make it so simple to reap the benefits and nutritional value of a plant based diet. Learn some new recipes and enjoy some good food with friends and family. Take advantage of the shorter evenings and set aside a few hours on the weekend to prepare some of your favourite dark leafy, seasonal fruits and vegetables for the week ahead. 4. Take your time & take a rest Don’t burn out before the winter months come rolling in. Take September as a time to slow down and plan for the busy months ahead, so you don’t panic when we move into November and December. This doesn’t mean becoming a couch potato for a few months, just take things a little bit slower, take in your surroundings more and fend off the winter blues by staying on top of your wellbeing. Keep it simple. 5. Drink up It’s easier to forget about your water consumption when the temperature outside drops. When the shorter days roll around remember to keep up with your fluids to help with both exercise and to control your appetite – we know how tempting those comforting cookies or Halloween sweets can be this time of year! Another great way to keep on top of both your hydration and to warn off any infections or the cough and colds which do the rounds at the office each year, drink tea! Green tea and black tea contain antioxidants which help us keep healthy when the seasons change. Provide your body with a natural defense with the Teatox Natural Defense Immune Boosting Tea, it’s 100% organic lose tea helps to keep you hydrated as well as featuring vitamin C rich pomegranate and enchinacea, known as an effective remedy for colds. Battle the winter blues & shop here for: Immunity Defense >